Older people with psychiatric disorders are increasingly turning to cannabis, primarily in the form of medical marijuana and cannabidiol (CBD). You can also get a medical marijuana recommendation from an online portal, so you can get one in any state that has legalised medical marijuana. This makes obtaining an MMJ Card in Riverside that much easier. This trend has been fueled by several factors, including reduced stigma, the lifting of restrictions on possession and sale by most states, and the massive proliferation of articles and advertisements touting the supposed benefits of cannabis for a variety of conditions that affect the elderly.
This includes chronic pain, neuropathy, stress, adverse effects of chemotherapy, anxiety and a lot much more.
Other patients range from people in their 60s with kidney failure who can no longer take certain pain medications but still need to manage chronic pain to people in their 90s who want to sleep well but are concerned about the side effects of traditional sleep medications. Some of them are fine with the idea of using medical marijuana; others bring it up quietly, as if they are seeking permission to break the law.
Cannabis use among older adults (defined as 65 and older) in the United States has been steadily increasing, according to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. In this study, the prevalence of past-year use increased from 2.4 percent to 2.4 percent from just 2015 to 2018. This was consistently shown in other research conducted and with reports from physicians recommending marijuana to people in need on a daily basis.
The reason why so many people and especially older people are shifting towards medical marijuana is because -
Marijuana Is Safer Than Many Commonly Prescribed Medications
The majority of seniors take prescription medications on a daily basis. Marijuana's "side effects" are minor in comparison to the side effects of many prescription drugs, and no one has ever died from a marijuana overdose. An ongoing 30-year study discovered that a 140-pound person would have to consume more than 4 pounds of marijuana in one sitting to reach toxic levels, and that would still not be a fatal dosage. Marijuana's powerful antioxidant effects can provide relief for a variety of disorders, including Hepatitis C-related liver inflammation, lupus, irritable bowel syndrome, and a variety of other serious medical conditions that all involve inflammation and oxidative damage.
Marijuana Ointments Can Be Effective in Alleviating Arthritis and Neuropathy Pain
Marijuana infused in topical creams and even sprays can be increasingly effective and is also very popular among people managing pain. These ointments are very effective, they smell so good because of the addition of essential oils and the effects of relief last for long.
There Are Marijuana Strains Without “The High”
Many companies and individuals in the medical marijuana industry are currently developing potent CBD genetic strains with minimal psychoactive effect. CBD, or cannabidiol, has anti-inflammatory properties, relieves pain, stimulates bone growth, suppresses muscular spasms, reduces anxiety, and improves mental focus. Harvest currently carries liquid extracts with no "high." These have proven to be extremely effective for people experiencing arthritis pain, nausea, and muscle spasms.
Marijuana Can Reduce and Possibly Replace Many Prescription Medications
One of the most common complaints among seniors about their daily medications is that the first pill frequently causes side effects that the second pill is supposed to "fix." To name a few, marijuana's healing properties target conditions such as inflamed joints, high blood pressure, chronic pain, digestive disorders, constipation, headaches, and insomnia. More Marijuana has the potential to enhance the effects of many commonly prescribed medications. Opiate-based painkillers, for example, are typically enhanced when marijuana is used concurrently, often resulting in a reduction in pharmaceutical medications.
Marijuana Is Not Physically Addictive
Many seniors are afraid of becoming addicted to marijuana if they start using it. People can use marijuana on a daily basis and then quit "cold turkey." Stopping the use of marijuana has a similar effect to stopping the consumption of coffee.
There are many people who wish to look out for respite from chronic pain, anxiety and stress. They do this by incorporating medical marijuana into their life in one form or another.
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