Don’t you usually find yourself in a situation where you have so much to do but you just can’t find yourself getting going? Most of the time you find yourself pondering over what all you need to do but there just seems to be too many distractions. And then you end up pushing it off for another day.
If only there was something that could magically help you focus. You are in luck!
What are the Best Strains Suggested by MMJ Doctor for Focus?
Who needs pills when you can smoke marijuana and improve your focus. Get yourself a recommendation from a licensed MMJ Doctor and get access to the below-mentioned strains. These will help you get pumped up, energized, and help you get laser-sharp focus.
Green Crack
Named supposedly by Snoop Dogg, the strain is notoriously known for its cerebral high and strong energizing effects. It comprises about 20-24% THC content, so you can expect a hard hit. Due to this, Green Crack is not suggested to novice cannabis users or anyone who suffers from anxiety. It is also an excellent strain to combat lethargy and fatigue. The strain is said to give sustained energy instead of a sudden splurge of boost. So, if you want to get things done and require alertness and focus, Green Crack is perfect for you. However, less is more when it comes to Green Crack. So, consume little and let its effects determine your dosage.
This Sativa dominant strain offers a clear-headed high that helps you improve your focus. It will not only do that but also keep a smile on your face. That is probably the best part about this strain. Its effects are both energizing and uplifting which helps you get your work done whilst keeping your mood high. But, be mindful of its high THC content. It comprises about 25% THC that stretches to 26 % in some plants. Such high levels can lead to racing thoughts that heighten anxiety, so if you struggle with that, this strain may not cut for you. Cinex is best described as a wake and bake strain. That means you can start your day with the strain which will help you get through your day with ease without feeling sluggish or unmotivated.
Take out the list of things that you need to do because Harlequin has got you covered. Probably, the most popular strains on this list, it is known for its energizing high. This Sativa dominant strain though has low levels of THC. So, this may not be for people looking for high levels of THC or euphoric effects. In contrast, this strain is perfect for people starting out their cannabis journey. Also, while its THC content is relatively low, it boasts high CBD content that makes it quite popular among people looking for cannabis’ therapeutic effects. Harlequin offers an uplifting but mild high that will give you a sense of relaxation and alertness. The highlight of this strain is that it stands out when it comes to helping users focus on their day-to-day tasks.
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